No Work Wednesdays

Sup Muses!?

When I attended high school, I remember my dad taking Fridays off from work and I thought that was truly awesome. When I started working full-time, the organization had “summer Fridays” and you could either take off Friday or take a half day if you complete all your work hours Monday-Thursday. Having a light or no work schedule on Friday always worked because I never had the motivation for Fridays in the office…it’s summer for goodness sake!

White Toes at Brigantine Beach (Jersey Shore)

Now I have a job where I basically create my hours- as long as I get my work done and I go into the office one day a week with my coworkers. As I have been prioritizing self care this year, in June I decided to reduce work hours on Wednesdays in July and August and I’m calling it “no work wednesdays.” short and to the point! So what’s my plan? Well, in the spirit of:

  1. Self Care

  2. Work Life balance

  3. Prioritizing being outdoors and in the sun.

  4. Managing my time the other 4 work days.

  5. Doing what bring me joy and peace

I introduce “No Work Wednesdays” (!!!)

There’s a ton of privilege in doing this, but there’s also self preservation, too! Also, I’ve been working hard with museologie and growing this business, while also taking on more responsibilities at my job. So, I’m doing this and enjoying it for the next two months. I know every Wednesday won’t be dedicated to me 100% because of previous obligations or meetings out of my control, but for the majority of the Wednesdays, I’ll be enjoying myself.

My one bedroom beach apartment.

What’s on my list?

  • A few beach trips

  • A hike at the DE water gap

  • Exploring Philly and some summer exhibits

  • Visiting friends and exploring theirs towns (usually in the Philly burbs.)

With this being said, I encourage you to do something this summer that is solely for your enjoyment and health. No, it doesn’t need to be as extreme as no work Wednesdays, but what about an afternoon for you? or 2-3 hours after work? Or taking a mental health day from work and pamper yourself? Visit/ talk to a friend who you love chatting with? It can look so many ways, the most important thing is… you actually do it and you enjoy it.

So far, it’s been good. NWW has helped me to realize how tired I am AND although I think I am prioritizing myself and my care, I’m falling short. It reminds me of organizations like Nike or New Profit that have now implemented periods of rest into their work schedules. So for a week or two, the company will shut down operations and have their staff take off, while getting paid. In America, we glorify work, the hustle and getting money, but it comes at an expense. I’m done doing that, it’s unhealthy and I choose health over wealth any day. (However, a little disposable income can’t hurt so yes, working the others days is a must.)

I hope I can do some version of this in the fall and into the winter, but as of now, I’m focusing on right now and enjoying these moments!

Be well!