Muse of the Month: Morgan M. Robinson

Jordan: Thank you for being the first Muse of 2021. Introduce yourself to museologie: Who are you? What do you do? Any other pertinent information you would like to share?

Morgan: My name is Morgan M. Robinson and I was born and raised in Philly. I am a non-profit + event planning professional in Philadelphia. I am the current board president for Young Involved Philadelphia. I am in training to become a yoga teacher. Lastly, I am a cat and plant mom.


J: What does wellness mean to you?

M: To me, wellness means finding your space of zen. As a yogi, I always strive to find the place of stillness. Finding your Om is more than a mantra during a yoga session, it is everything and everyone. Wellness also means feeling solid within yourself. Having the ability to take stock of your physical and mental feelings and address them as needed.

J: Museologie is about finding your way to a happier & healthier life through the lens of wellness, and understanding this process/journey will look, feel and be different for everyone. What have you done or what are you doing to find balance for your health & happiness in your life?

M: The main thing I do to find happiness and stillness aside from yoga is cook. I grew up with a mom who cooked everyday and always knew just what to do. When I moved out (for college) I had to cook for myself. I was able to not only recreate meals my mother made, but I learned and created new dishes. Cooking, and even food shopping, has been one of the best ways to keep me balanced.

J: How do you know when you’re off course- off from what you believe is your true, balanced self?

M: I know I am off from my true balanced self when I can no longer focus on certain tasks. I am a person who thrives off structure and being on time and if I cannot meet deadlines, I know I am off kilter. Whether these be work or personal deadlines, if I can no longer focus I know I am not balanced. 

J: When you’re upset, frustrated or when you are drifting from yourself, what are things that you do to reset?

M: To reset, I do yoga and call my mom. I am lucky to still have both parents alive and well, so when I am feeling out of sorts and not fully balanced my first call or visit is to them- to chat, ask for advice, eat my mothers cooking; essentially going back to my roots.

J: What are you excited about right now? (in general)


M: With the past year and everything changing due to COVID, I am simply excited for the future and what is to come. This year has truly changed my perspective on life and has forced me to live in the present to simply enjoy the moment that's happening. This is very difficult for a Type A planner.

J: For transparency sake, what are some challenges you face when it comes to your wellness journey?

M: Consistency. It can be very difficult in wellness to stay focused alone. I realized I needed to have someone hold me accountable. This has led to partnering with friends regarding certain aspects of my wellness journey to hold each other accountable.

J: Do you have any affirmations, mantras or advice that you'd like to pass on? 

M: Let go and let God. This has truly allowed my Type A personality to let go of what I cannot control.

J: Thank for sharing, Morgan! Where can we find you on the web?

M: My yogi IG is yogibear925 (still a work in progress)

Feel free to send Morgan a DM, attend a Young Involved Philly event and/or lookout for future yoga offerings!