The Digital Wellness Dilemma

Generally, digital wellness is observed in terms of the amount of time you spend looking at a screen (like now 😅) but for me it goes a bit deeper.

  1. It’s about what I take in when I’m looking at screens — meaning what I listen to and watch.

  2. My posture and body position when I’m on the computer on phone.

I definitely want to hear from you! Have you ever heard of or considered digital wellness? What are your initial feelings about it? How are you doing with your screen time these days?

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Sup Muses!

Let’s talk about wellness, because, ultimately that is the focus of museologie, not just fitness.

My first year in grad school I had a mandatory Intro to Public Health course and on day one (9/3/13- I found my notebook!) we talked about wellness and health. It was that day that I learned the official definition.

Health : "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (WHO)

Wellness is multidimensional and it integrates physical, spiritual, emotional health and many other aspects. Read more about it here. It’s most use model encompasses 6-8 dimensions:

  • Occupational

  • Spiritual

  • Intellectual

  • Physical

  • Social

  • Emotional

  • Environmental

museologie’s focus is on wellness rather than just fitness or the physical aspect and I do this because someone could be extremely fit and in great physical condition , but their overall well-being isn’t balanced and happiness doesn’t truly exist because other dimensions haven’t been explored or aren’t at levels that are healthy. For years I'd focus on fitness for not only myself but for my clients also. Something always seemed to be missing and I realized it was two pieces: 1. these aspects of wellness, 2. community.

Wellness addresses and explores health in a more holistic sense. It takes into account these various “dimensions” that are integral to our respective lives. The dimensions are malleable, and I’ve changed mine to include both a creative/cultural dimension and as well as a financial dimension. The dimensions are connected and in life, you can see how one aspect influences and impacts the other(s.)

Over the next month, I’ll be writing about self care, the myths and non- negotiable, my struggle in the occupational dimension and releasing my very first interview on this very topic!

So muses, talk to me. Were you aware of wellness and its complexities? What dimension(s) are you doing well in and where are you struggling?

Wellness, from Boston University.

Wellness, from Boston University.